Respondent funnel Respondent funnel shows you the number and percentage of respondents who have clicked, segmented, subsegmented (if applicable) and converted in the campaign. The respondent funnel can be found within the Performance tab of …
Tag: reporting
Day-parting summary offers a great way to view traffic and conversion trends over the course of a week. This gauge is available on the performance pages for portfolios, campaigns, creatives and traffic sources—just select …
Creative Bubble Chart The creative bubble chart shows the top performing creatives within a campaign. The larger the bubble, the more traffic it’s received, and the best performing paths will be closest to the top right …
Ion stores your respondent data until it is deleted by a console owner. The platform generates all the real time Performance reporting gauges based on this data. When you delete your stored data, you …
Tag Cloud The tag cloud is a visual way to quickly see the most popular tags. This gauge is available in the Performance tab for all portfolios, campaigns, creatives and traffic sources. When viewing the tag …
On the left menu of your Ion console, under the new Insights feature, you will find both Performance Dashboard and Reports. The Performance Dashboard page has all data available from your experiences at a single overview, which …
Pull a global Raw Data File: Click Integrations in your console’s side nav Click “Export global respondents” towards the top of the screen Optionally uncheck “Include only converted respondents” to see all respondent …
Building a Sell-Side experience is a great way to see what visitors are interacting with. In the past, reviewing user behavior would typically require someone (or a team of people) to review a complex …
Traffic chart shows the flow of traffic over a given period of time. The traffic chart will show trends for both your non-converted respondents (light blue) as well as your converted respondents (dark blue). This …
The page summary gauge shows a breakdown of traffic to each page within a given experience. Here you will see the number of unique views to each page (within your specified time period), the …