The fields used in your forms are assigned to data fields that are created within your console’s Data Collection screen. You can use the same data field across multiple forms so there is no need to create new ones for each form you build in ion. The information respondents enter into your form fields will be saved into these data fields. For more information on creating data fields in ion, click here.
When setting up a dropdown menu, you will be prompted to assign a choice set to it. The choice set defines what options are shown within the dropdown menu and are also housed within your console’s Data Collection screen. For more information on setting up a choice set, click here.
Most of the Quick Starts from the Landing Pages come with ion forms already in place but forms can be added to any experience you build within the ion platform. You can add as many fields to your ion forms as you would like. You can also add multiple forms to your experience and link them together to create a multi-step form experience. For more information on how to get started with ion forms, click here.
You can include any of the following field types in your ion forms:
- Textboxes
- Dropdown Menus
- Choice Groups (radio buttons and checkboxes)
- Sliders
Reviewing Data
The data stored into your console’s database can be reviewed by downloading a raw data file. A raw data file can be downloaded from individual campaigns or globally for all campaigns at once.
When reviewing a raw data file, columns A – AA will include “core field” data. Core fields collect data on all respondents regardless of what they do within your ion experience. These fields include things like your respondents’ IP addresses, geolocation information, contact dates, and whether or not they converted. For more information on ion core fields, click here.
All other data that is stored within your database will be displayed in alphabetical order to the right of column AA.
Data Security
Data collected from respondents is automatically encrypted in the database using AES-256 encryption. You can also have respondent data automatically deleted from your console after a set period of time. For more information on automatically deleting sensitive data, click here.
How ion Collects Data: Part 1 – Introduction