Please note that some of the below explanations are repeated in multiple sections as they can address multiple questions in some cases. Why isn’t my integration running? Why is nothing going through to my …
Category: The Advanced Capabilites
How it works A simple, standard integration usually involves placing third-party codes on your Ion pages to push to your external systems (or placing Ion code on your external website pages to send data …
Before We Begin There are few items you’ll need to roundup prior to setting up the integration. These items can be found in your external web form HTML or they may be provided in …
Before we begin, you will want to have an understanding of how to create lookup tables within your console. For more information on lookup tables, click here. For this support post, we will be …
Lookup tables are comprised of a key column with a corresponding column of values. The key can be a piece of respondent data collected on your form, a query string parameter, or an Ion …
On-Demand Data This core method allows data to be captured and exported with virtually no additional setup. Any data collected in the platform is automatically stored into the platform’s database by default. This data …
The ion platform has two reporting gauges that help you track the parameters you pass into ion on the query string. The Track Parameters Data Cloud and Data Table are available at every level …
You can call a server scriptlet in page-level JavaScript by using the liveBallScriptlet function. Here’s an example of what this line of code would look like in your page-level script: var result = liveballScriptlet(1, …
The power behind scriptlets is that you can write code for advanced, custom logic on your pages, store it centrally then plug it into creatives as needed! 1. Add Scriptlet(s) to your Ion console …
Why use GA4? ⚠️Firstly, it’s important to note that Universal Analytics will be deactivated on July 1st, 2023. Therefore, it’s crucial that you set up a GA4 tracking code on Ion to ensure …